Saturday morning, Luke and Zach were up with the roosters. I don't know why it is that during the week, I have to promise an entire toy isle in Wal-Mart to Luke, but come Saturday morning, I hear "Momma, I am ready to get up"...seriously?? But alas, we start our day and stay at it all day.
Saturday, Luke was insistent that he go outside and play in the water. So, on goes the swimming trunks and sunscreen. Out comes the water hose, octopus water sprinkler, and the thingy that we use to water the grass. This lasts a total of 10 seconds.
And he comes back inside. Towel, change of clothes and we are onto the next Luke had his 2nd birthday, his Nannie gave him this huge art set thing with markers, colors, etc in it. So out it comes, paper and we are painting and coloring. 10 more seconds
Jeff comes in...and he is on to the next thing...riding in his jeep...but it is just sooo hot that his Daddy rigged him up some shade to keep cool.
Zach and I spent time cleaning up the messes that Luke created all day coming in and out and changing his mind about what he was going to do next.
Sunday, Jeff and Luke went for a short ride on the creek on the 4-wheeler, while Zach and I folded at least 20 (haha) loads of clothes and watched some tv. Later, Jeff and I had to go to visitation at the funeral home for our friend Kyle grandmother. So we had Daddy and Ms. Debra come and sit with the kids while we went. Being that it was Daddy's birthday yesterday, I did a little impromptu birthday for him, making him (and Jeff) apple cobbler. Luke was insistent again on putting candles in it and signing Happy Birthday!
Finally, the weekend ends with making bottles, packing diaper bags and book sacks and getting ready for another Monday. Thankfully, this week will be a short week with the upcoming July 4th Holiday. Luke already has big plans for going to Chucky Cheese on Friday...he has promised to get "happy" notes at school all week for this special outing.
Hope everyone has an excellent week!