Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Do You Ever Wish.....

.....that sometimes the world would open up and just swallow you whole??? This is how I feel when the sweet little angel above is at school, playing blocks, gets all hot and sweaty, turns to his friends and says "Hey, guys! Anyone want a cold beer??"

Could you just die? He is at school...at a church...with his very nice, soft spoken teacher, Ms. Karen, who LAUGHED at him!! I guess the cute little face got him out of trouble once again! In the words of his Nannie and Papa, "he is just a sweet baby!"

In other Luke news, yesterday on the playground, he got in a little accident with his Best Bud Hannah Banana. She accidentally kicked him in the face while she was walking and he was playing on the ground...not sure how that exactly happened, but he is okay, no battle wounds and he and Hannah Banana are still thick as thieves!

I love you Puke!!

The New Routine

Yesterday morning at 5:50 am, the "New Routine" started. It begins with me getting up, showering and doing my hair and makeup. At 6:30, Zach gets up and is ready to eat. From 6:30 to 7:00, Zach eats and we spend our quiet time together. It is one of my most favorite times of the day. He falls back asleep and I just sit and look at him and steal kisses from those cute puffy cheeks. At 7:00, I lay him down and go wake the two monsters. Jeff and Luke basically require dynamite to get them out of bed! Luke gets juice, while Jeff begs for 5 more minutes. Luke gets dressed, I get dressed (while poor Jeff has to fend for himself) and we head to the kitchen, where we get breakfast, book sacks, diaper bags and bottles and head out the door by 7:35. Wheewwww...Busy Mornings!! But all goes smoothly!

Zach had a great day with his new sitter. Ms. Mable did a great job with keeping him on his schedule! I just know that she is going to be so good to my little man and I dont have to worry at all! I will have to take my camera with me so I can share a picture of Zach and Ms. Mable together to share.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

6 Weeks Old

I am a few days late on posting this, but I wanted to share with everyone what Zach is doing at 6 weeks old and some pictures from birth to now.

Zach now weighs almost 10 pounds (8lb, 4.2 at birth) and is 23 inches long (21 at birth). He is taking 4 ounces of milk with a tablespoon and half of rice cereal with every bottle, still every three hours, except at night, WHEN HE SLEEPS ALL NIGHT LONG!!! He started sleeping all night at 4 weeks and it is GREAT!! He is an extremely happy baby, good sleeper and good eater. He is holding his head up now and looking around when on his belly or your shoulder. He is making cooing sounds...ooooo's and awwwwww's...its soo cute. He also smiles huge smiles when we talk to him!! He hates taking a bath and having his nose cleaned, so if you want to hear him cry, come over then, otherwise, he never makes a sound.

Two Days Old

2 Weeks Old

4 Weeks Old

6 Weeks Old

On other family news, this weekend we took a family trip to Baton Rouge on Saturday afternoon. We had the boys pictures made, went to dinner and then went to Cabela's (which happens to be Luke's favorite store). On Sunday, Luke went to Mississippi with Nannie and Uncle KeKe to Grammy and Papa's house for a crawfish boil. He got to see Bubba and Sissy and was very excited. Jeff went fishing and Zach and I stayed home and relaxed with a basket of laundry and HGTV.

The time has come for me to go back to work tomorrow morning. I have a whole routine in mind for how I want the mornings to go. I will have to report back on how things went. Hopefully as smoothly as possible! I just hope that I can make it to work with SOME makeup still on my eyes.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Just Need 6 More Weeks.....

Today, Zach and I went to my 6 week checkup...of course, I am all healthy and ready to go back to work...I was sooo hoping that Dr. Rousset would find some excuse for me to stay off another 6 weeks, but no such luck. I am thankful though to be healthy! I had to brag to Dr. Rousset about how good Zach is...he told me that he "only delivers the good ones!!" He is such a great doctor!!

Zach and I also went to Old Navy and to Shoe Station to make some exchanges for Luke from Easter. He was great and never even woke up. So for his first mini-shopping trip, I give him an A+!

We also went to see Nannie at her work. She had to show him off to all of the ladies she works with.

Below, you can see Zach all dressed up for his outing today!

Hope everyone is having a great Thursday!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hump Day

Hey Good Morning. Its Wednesday, Hump Day...Week is almost over!! Which makes me sad...I only have two more days of maternity leave and its back to work for me on Monday! I know that John and Wendy are looking forward to me coming back, but I really just dont want to!!

Yesterday, Zach and I went to Ms. Mable's house. She will be keeping Zach for us while I work. She is such a sweet lady and I just know that she is going to be sooo good to my little man. She has been a family friend of Jeff's mom for years, so I know that he is going to be in good hands. I am sure Monday is going to be very hard for me, I already warned Ms. Mable to expect lots of phone calls from me!! She told me not to worry, that I could call anytime I wanted. I have been trying to think of a new routine for the house, to make sure that everything in the mornings goes smoothly. We will have to see how that works....

Well, I am off to do house cleaning and laundry. Tomorrow Zach and I are going to Baton Rouge for my doctors appointment and maybe some shopping. He is such a good baby and just rolls with the flow, should be easy to take him places.

Hope everyone has a great "Hump Day"

PS: I am including a picture today of Luke and his Nannie (who insisted that I need to blog everyday!!!)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hi, I am self-teaching myself how to set this blog up. I want to give everyone a way to keep up with our family and the boys. I hope that everyone enjoys reading about our daily lives!! I promise to try to keep up with this as much as possible.

I will start this by including some pictures of the boys from Easter and the most recent event in the family, Zach's christening.

Luke and I boiled eggs on Good Friday and dyed the eggs, using brown eggs. I tend to think that they come out prettier when dyed. Luke enjoyed dying the eggs and mixing the colors. He also made sure that each of us had our own egg with our name on it and in the color of his choice. Saturday, we went to New Roads and had a crawfish boil with my mom's family. Luke always loves going to Aunt Lou and Uncle Kenny's house (I think it has something to do with him being spoiled rotten there...or is it the rock pond on her patio??) Luke went fishing and caught what he likes to call "a whale"!! And sweet little Zach slept the entire time!! Easter Sunday, we went to church and MeMe, Nannie and Uncle Keith joined us. We enjoyed lunch at our house afterwards and then took a much needed nap!

Last weekend, we had Zach christened at church. He was so good and didn't even make a peep when Father Byhia poured the water on his little head. He wore the same christening gown that I wore as a little girl and that Luke wore as well. We chose Uncle Kenny and Aunt Randi as Zach's Godparents and we appreciate Aunt Randi for coming all the way from Texas on Sunday for Zach's special day. After Mass, we all went to Sammy's for lunch. It was a great time visiting with everyone.

Well, I am about to give Zach his last bottle of the night and go to bed. Going to visit Zach's new babysitter tomorrow because I will be going back to work on Monday of next week :( . Good night everyone!