Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How Much Does Luke love his Nannie???

It's a long standing joke between me and Luke's Nannie (my sister)! I taught Luke long long ago the following:

Me: Luke, how much do you love Mommy?
(from the pic below, you see that he spreads his arms as wide as he can!!)

Me: Luke, how much do you love you Nannie?
(from the pic below, you will see that I have trained him to pinch his fingers together showing "just a whittle bit")!!

I know that it just ruffles Renee's feathers to NO end! But it is just soo cute! In all seriousness, he LOVES LOVES LOVES his Nannie to death and she is such a good Nannie to him! He is one lucky little guy!

(BTW...has anyone else been noticing that every picture I post of Luke...he has NO clothes on??? What the heck??!! THIS IS DEFINITELY A NANNIE TRAIT!!)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Shout Out to My Favorite Neighba'

Yesterday, my sweet neighba' Ms. Shantasha (as Luke calls her) came over with this cute little outfit that someone sent to her for Asher. It's a little tooo big for little Asher so she was sweet enough to bring it over for Zach to get some use of it! Such a good neighba'!

Thank you again, Ms. Shantasha for the cute little outfit and for being such a good neighba' to us! Also, let's all keep Ms. Shantasha in our prayers this week. She is a 1st grade teacher at NWE, where Luke goes to school (hence the inside pictures from Luke's first day of school!!). She will be returning back to work next week from her maternity leave and I can speak for all Mom's of the world and say that it is one of the hardest things to do as a Mom! I wish her the best of luck in this transition.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Let the Games Begin

Soon....very soon...like any day now...Zach is going to crawl! Oh! My! Goodness!!! Let the Games Begin!! I have been cleaning my floors and trying to get every little piece of anything off of the floor and out of the way for when it happens! He gets on his little knees and rocks back and forth....he hasn't quite figured out yet to move his hands and actually move yet, but its coming and its coming quick!!! He is just growing tooo fast for me!!!'

Friday, Luke, Zach and I had dinner with Nannie and Uncle Keith at one of our favorite places, Que Pasa! It was delicious as always! Saturday morning we had soccer, which is always soo cute! Those little guys and girls are just precious! I love watching it, even if it does mean getting up early on Saturday morning!! After soccer, I recruited my sweet sister to go grocery shopping with me! She and Luke entertained themselves in the Halloween costumes and the toys while I made groceries! Thanks Nannie for being such a trooper and helping me out!

When I was shopping, I found pumpkins! October and November are two of my favorite months! I love Fall and all of the things that Fall brings. So I purchased some mini-pumpkins and busted out the fall leaves and did my mantel! It's about a weekend early, but I love it!!

Sunday, has been a typical lazy day in the Hubbard House! I cooked a big pot of Shrimp and Corn soup, made homemade chocolate chip cookies and took a big ole nap with my "3 Men"!

Leaving everyone with some pics of my babies! I will be sure to make an official announcement when the first move is made by Zach!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Whopper Jr.

Today, I took Zach to see Dr. Pat for his 6 Months immunizations. He weighed in at 19 pounds 9.6 ounces and was 28 inches long.

He is in the 95th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight.

Since he was born, he has gained over 11 pounds and has grown 7 inches.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Today, we celebrate Noonie's birthday! We hope you have an excellent day! We love you!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Whittney and Zach found out today that they are expecting a GIRL!!! I am sooo excited for them!!! Congratulations to them! I can't wait to go make my first bow purchase for her...only a bow the size of her head will do!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Saturday, Luke had his very first soccer game! The "Bombers" did great! They don't keep an official score of the game, but I am sure that the Bombers kicked some booty!! I have to say...that was one of the cutest things I have ever seen in my life.

After the soccer game, MeMe, Nannie, Luke, Zach and I went to eat lunch and Luke had it no other way, but to go home with his MeMe. Word has it he went to Aunt Lou and Uncle Kenny's and saw Weazer and "a whole bunch of other people that he doesn't know their names" and watched the LSU game!

Here at home, we took a nap and then went to the Canning's to watch the game. Zach was soo good and just sat and played and visited with Ms. Mary and Ms. Kassie. He is such a sweetie!

Sunday morning, Zach slept until 9 AM!!!! It was fabulous!!! MeMe brought Luke home and I had lunch all ready...pork roast, potato casserole, lima beans and pan fried okra! Luke's favorite!!! His Papa brought him bags of frozen okra the other day with his name specifically on the bag! I think that Luke has eaten about 7 or 8 spoonfuls of okra today!

And that's a wrap on our weekend! Ready for another week of work and school. Tomorrow, we get to find out what the sex of the baby for our niece Whittney and her boyfriend Zach! How exciting is that?? Tuesday, we will be making a call to one of Luke's favorite Aunt's...Aunt Noonie for her birthday!! Wednesday, Zach is going to pay a visit to Dr. Pat for his 6 month old check up and shots! Thursday brings soccer practice and then time for Friday again...how time flies when you are having fun!!

Hope everyone has a great week!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

My How He Has Grown

I was looking at Zach this morning, he is sitting up, drinking out of a cup and gaining his own little personality. I created a collage of his monthly pictures so everyone can see side by side how much he is growing and changing.

Sunday, September 13, 2009



Hold on....

Still waiting....

It's coming....

Yeah...I've got nothing...HA! I have nothing to report this weekend, not even a single picture was taken!! :(

This entire week and weekend has been devoted to getting Luke and Zach back healthy! And with the rain, we have done absolutely nothing, but cook, play, take naps and stay inside. I will NEVER be sooo happy to see a Monday come. I am sooo ready for everyone to get back to school, babysitter, work...regular routine HERE WE COME!!! How awful is that? Who looks forward to a Monday????

Friday, I spent the entire day disinfecting my house. I washed and wiped everything that sat still. From blankets and pillowcases to changing the air filters and spraying Lysol on every door knob in the house, I would have to say that you could likely eat off of my floors right now!

Saturday, I did what I always thought would be the impossible...I took BOTH of my children to Wal-Mart grocery shopping!!! It actually proved not to be that bad. So GO ME! HA! A funny for Luke...Saturday night, I made crawfish fettuccine for dinner...Luke told me..."Mom, I can only eat the crawfish out of my fettuccine...". When I asked "why?"...he said..."because I am allergic to the noodles!!" I really wonder sometimes where he comes up with the things that come out of his mouth!

Today, again, we have done absolutely nothing. I cooked a HUGE lunch today of turkey and dressing, homemade mash potatoes and gravy, broccoli and cheese, smothered squash, rolls and chocolate chips cookies. It was very yummy!

I have the school clothes out, the diaper bag packed, the booksack and lunch box ready, the uniforms ironed and ready and MONDAY morning is as of right now about 13 hours away...BRING IT ON!!!

Have a good week everyone!

Friday, September 11, 2009

6 Months

YAY! I am 6 Months Old!!

At 6 Months Old, Zach is:

Eating 3 meals a day, one jar for breakfast, one jar for lunch and a whopping 3 jars for dinner. He is also taking 4 bottles a day. He is also drinking juice and is doing great with using a cup. He takes it into his little hands and puts it to his mouth, but hasn't quite figured out yet to turn it upwards to get the juice out.

He rolls over and over and over and over. Even in his bouncy seat, he rolls over. Thus, it is essential that we strap him in! He loves sitting in his chair and talking to his toys or playing in his saucer with his toys.

He is sitting up more and more by himself daily. He is still pretty wobbly, but is doing soo good with it. But when he falls over, watch it...the flying "reds" come out!

He is wearing a size 2-3 diaper and size 6-9 months clothes.

His (and mine) favorite thing to do is take his hands and grab your face and give you "kisses". Its more like a big slobbery (a/k/a "angel juice") open mouth zurburt, but its the greatest and I LOVE IT!

He is still totally amazed with Luke and everything he does. He could sit and watch Luke for hours, and I must say Luke is very entertaining! I am just concerned with what he is taking into his little mind...monkey see, monkey do! HA!

Zach, you are such as sweet, precious, loving little man. I love you soo very much! Sooo lucky to be your Mommy!

Monday, we will be going to see Dr. Pat for his 6 Month Old well-baby visit and shots. I will report back on his stats then!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Hubbard Hospital

Hello....live from the Hubbard Hospital! Saturday when we were in Texas, Luke started feeling bad. I started giving him Tylenol for his fever and took him to the doctor first thing Tuesday morning. He has the flu, and no it is NOT swine flu or H1N1 or R2D2 (HA!) or whatever...just regular seasonal flu. Zach is also sick, but thankfully just with an upper respiratory infection. Luke is taking an antibiotic for his flu and both are doing breathing treatments. Unfortunately, we infected the Elliott household as well.

On a happier note, last night we had Mom, Renee, Aunt Lou, Uncle Kenny and Aunt Barbara over for Mom's birthday dinner...(hope we didn't infected them too!). We had a delicious dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, bread, salad, yummy yummy birthday cake and ice cream.

Here is hoping that this household is back to normal soon. This weekend is my two week grocery shopping adventure, which will include several cans of Lysol!

Lastly, this week please keep in your prayers my former boss, Shep. His mother unexpectedly passed away this past weekend as the result of a car accident. Mr. Shep is such a great man and I am sure that this untimely death of his Mom is very devastating to him. Please remember to keep him and his family in your prayers.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy Birthday MeMe!

My Space Or Yours?.net
Happy Birthday today to my Mom! We hope you have a most excellent day! We love you!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

This weekend we went to Texas to visit Ben, Noonie, Benjie, Adie, Rhodes, Maw Maw Pat and the 5 animals of the house! We had a great time visiting, swimming, cooking, napping and playing!!

Thank you again to all of you for having us this weekend. We truly enjoyed ourselves! We can't wait to come for a visit again!