Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This is what happens...

...when we allow Luke to dress himself!! Let me just describe the outfit for you: sunglasses, his cell-phone (which by the way, he will tell you "doesn't have a sim card, but his Dad is gonna get him one""), a blue and white gingham shirt, olive green shorts and navy blue rubber boots...and yes...he was outside of the house like this! He is truly a one-of-a-kind kid!

In other Hubbard house news, not much is going on this week. Jeff has started his new job and so far is doing well. Luke and Zach both got healthy reports from Dr. Pat on Monday. Luke had his 4 year old shots and did great. He did shed tears but was easily comforted with a sucker and stickers. Zach is growing like a little weed, weighing in at 14.6 pounds (11 weeks old)!! Soon, I think its going to be survival of the fittest around our house!

Hope everyone is having an excellent week. Oh, please still pray for little man Noah (, he had a big eye surgery this week at John Hopkins. I am sure he and his family are very thankful for each and every prayer they get.

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