At 6 Months Old, Zach is:
Eating 3 meals a day, one jar for breakfast, one jar for lunch and a whopping 3 jars for dinner. He is also taking 4 bottles a day. He is also drinking juice and is doing great with using a cup. He takes it into his little hands and puts it to his mouth, but hasn't quite figured out yet to turn it upwards to get the juice out.
He rolls over and over and over and over. Even in his bouncy seat, he rolls over. Thus, it is essential that we strap him in! He loves sitting in his chair and talking to his toys or playing in his saucer with his toys.
He is sitting up more and more by himself daily. He is still pretty wobbly, but is doing soo good with it. But when he falls over, watch it...the flying "reds" come out!
He is wearing a size 2-3 diaper and size 6-9 months clothes.
His (and mine) favorite thing to do is take his hands and grab your face and give you "kisses". Its more like a big slobbery (a/k/a "angel juice") open mouth zurburt, but its the greatest and I LOVE IT!
He is still totally amazed with Luke and everything he does. He could sit and watch Luke for hours, and I must say Luke is very entertaining! I am just concerned with what he is taking into his little mind...monkey see, monkey do! HA!
Zach, you are such as sweet, precious, loving little man. I love you soo very much! Sooo lucky to be your Mommy!
Monday, we will be going to see Dr. Pat for his 6 Month Old well-baby visit and shots. I will report back on his stats then!
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